
英语Security Considerations怎么翻译?
答:security considerations 安全考虑 [例句]This is partially because of security considerations, but this is also due to the pernicious effects of competition.这其中有一部分是出于安全性的考虑,但这也是竞争中的致命财产。

give consideration to是什么意思
答:give consideration to 考虑到 考虑 双语例句 1.Party A will give consideration to Party B’s proposal of exclusive agency.甲方愿意考虑乙方独家代理的建议。 宜用consider代替give consideration to.2.Using the operating action as object of control, the scheme pay much attention to the ...

法律合同翻译 good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffi...
答:整句翻译建议如下:因此,考虑到前述内容以及双方的声明、保证和约定,并根据本协议规定的条件,以及其他有效且有价约因,双方特此确认收到该等约因、并承认其充分性,为受本协议法律约束,特此达成以下协议:您所说的"good and valuable consideration", good 可以理解为 hold good (有效),consideration ...

答:解决方案1:1.4 为避免疑虑;3.2,000 or more over the remaining term of the contract as set out in Schedule 5(a) attached hereto;“Material Contracts” the contracts and agreements of the Company and its Subsidiaries that are likely to involve consideration of RMB 30.2 Payment ...

答:underconsideration用中文翻译即为在考虑中。under consideration应该使还在编辑的手里,正在考虑是否送审,under review这个状态,才是已经送到审稿人手中,审稿专家审稿。Nature的系统也是这样的情况,修回之后状态一直是under consideration,稿件一直为live manuscript,这些都是正常的程序,接下来应该就直接是...

答:I will take my suggestion into consideration.

答:there be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items in the series it selects for its selects for its consideration这是个定语从句,修饰先行词items,英语定语从句都是后置从句,自然放在后面,而中文定语必须放在修饰词前面,所以翻译成【可供考虑的诸多】因素。

考虑下我 用英语怎么说
答:考虑一下我:Consider me.或:think about me;give consideration to me take me into consideration 但还是第一种最常用。感受一下相关例句:Do you a girlfriend? If not, why not consider my sister?你有女朋友 吗 ?要是没有的话, 何不考虑一下我妹妹?Consider my offer and call me back...

Thank you for your time and consideration.
答:这句在找工作的时候经常用到。一般你在网上投递你的简历,email给人家的时候,都会在email尾说,谢谢你能抽时间(看我这个email) 和考虑(我是否是合适的人选)。我没有直接的中文翻译,但是大概就是这个意思。

arrangement consideration 中文怎么翻译
答:协议报酬(非正式的) 协议补偿费


{丁伯卓18432039988} 还在考虑中的英文怎么说?不要翻译器的 - ______ 正面表达:I'm still thinking about it.还在考虑中就是还未决定,所以也可以从反面来翻译:I haven't made any decision yet.PS:汉译英有多种方法,从反面译也是很好的一种.

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{丁伯卓18432039988} 帮忙翻译几句子 - ______ 其中多数most of them 考虑到take it into consideration 一定把我误认为It must be that I mistake for 升职get a promotion

{丁伯卓18432039988} 不谋全局者不足以谋一域,不谋万世者不足以谋一时.如何翻译成英语 - ______ 不谋全局者不足以谋一域,不谋万世者不足以谋一时 Who doesn't study for overall situation is hardly to manage for one aspect;who has no long-term consideration is hardly to organize temporarily.

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{丁伯卓18432039988} 英译汉 谁能帮忙翻一下 急用 非常感谢 ______ 用工具翻译的 基本看得明白吧 亲爱的阁下, 感谢您的来信8月1日,经考虑后,我们决定将包中的货物纸箱内衬防潮纸,因为它比较轻,携带方便. 请注明毛重,净重和层面上的纸箱和模版我们在一个椭圆缩写,根据该案件数量和目的港应注明...